目前主持国家自然科学基金1项,黑龙江省博士后基金项目1项,市局级项目1项。发表SCI收录论文10余篇,其中以第一作者身份在Geothermics、Journalof Natural Gas Science and Engineering、地球物理学报等国内外高水平期刊发表论文5篇。
[1] Liu, Y. C., Qiu, N. S., Li, H.L. et al. Terrestrial heat flow and crustal thermal structure in the northern slope of Tazhong uplift in Tarim Basin. Geothermics, 2020, 83, 1-14. SCI收录. (二区, IF:4.0)
[2] 刘雨晨,邱楠生,常健,等.碳酸盐团簇同位素在沉积盆地热演化中的应用-以塔里木盆地顺托果勒地区为例. 地球物理学报,2020, 63(2), 597-611. SCI收录.
[3] Liu, Y. C., Chen, D. X., Qiu, N. S., et al. Geochemistry and origin of continental natural gas in the western Sichuan basin, China. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2018, 49, 123-131. SCI收录.(二区, IF:4.54)
[4] Liu, Y. C., Chen, D. X., Qiu, N. S., et al. Reservoir characteristics and methane adsorption capacity of the upper triassic continental shale in western Sichuan depression, China. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2017, 64(6), 807-823. SCI收录.(四区, IF: 1.34)
[5] Liu, Y. C., Dong, S. X., Zhao, C. H. Thermal evolution and the maturation of the deeply buried lower Paleozoic source rocks in the Tarim Basin, northwest China. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2021. SCI收录.
[6] Chen, D., Pang, X., Yan, Q., et al. Geochemical and stable carbon isotope composition variations of natural gases in tight sandstones from the west Sichuan basin, china. Geological Journal, 2016. SCI收录.
[7] Dongxia, C., Ying, Z., Yuchen, L. Characteristics and controlling factors of micro- and nano-scale reservoirs in continental shale sequence of western Sichuan depression, China. Journal of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, 2017, 17(9), 6159-6168. SCI收录.
[8] 陈冬霞, 刘雨晨, 庞雄奇,等. 川西坳陷须五段陆相页岩层系储层特征及对含气性的控制作用[J]. 地学前缘, 2016, 23(1):174-184. EI检索.
1.付健,李美俊,刘雨晨,陈聪,刘正. 《一种利用有效介质理论评价泥岩总有机碳含量的方法》,专利号为202010220656.X,批准号为CN 111415713 B,申请日为2020年3月25日
2. 陈冬霞,刘雨晨,张郢,严青霞,尹航.《利用致密砂岩微观孔隙结构确定气水关系的方法》,专利号为201510165844.6,批准号为CN 104833789 A,申请日为2015年4月9日
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